divendres, 22 de desembre del 2017


Dear families! As you know , we have been carrying out a project in English in our school this term. Laura and Michael have helped us teaching English based in the PBL (Problem Based Learning) system . That means that children have been exposed to a lot of  listening  and speaking opportunities. During these months activities have been done in very small groups (4/5 students per teacher) and having the chance of introducing new games and role plays for all the students at school.
Michael has given loads of new strategies for improving the writing of the oldest students, bringing in fresh methods to help students start writing in all tenses in a more natural way.
We want to thank Laura and Michael for spending this term with us and bringing to class such good ideas and tips!
Thank you  for you effort and  time!
School students and teachers!

Aquest trimestre hem dut a terme un projecte en anglès per a tots els alumnes de l’escola. En Michael i la Laura ens han aportat idees, consells i activitats per donar un enfocament més pràctic i sobretot per treballar més en petit grup.
Volem agrair-los el seu esforç i temps per ajudar-nos tant durant aquest temps!

Alumnes i mestres d’anglès de l’escola.